Over the last ten years, the team at Babelon-line has translated over 50 different documents for NGOs and Research Institutions. We often work from English into French, Spanish and Portuguese but we also translate into other languages combinations. During this period, our team has acquired a solid understanding of topics covered by research institutes, development agencies and environmental organisations:
- Policy briefings and reports
- Toolkits
- MEL (Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning)
- Research papers
- Case studies
- Advocacy guides
- Capacity building guide
- Grassroots-driven initiatives
We can help with the translation of material related to climate change (UNFCCC, Paris Agreement and COP policies and negotiations) such as toolkits, briefing notes, guidance for practitioners and advocates.
Over the years, we have curated a vast specialist glossary of climate-specific terms and acquired an in-depth understanding of this topic.
Gender and social equality issues are now a major theme in most policies and guidance documents.
The team at Babelon-line knows how to use the correct terminology to accurately translate documents on this topic.
We also have a strong experience in translating reports and guidance briefings relating to land usage and land conflicts in the LDCs.
This topic often appears in connection with climate change and adaptation efforts.
We have translated a large number of policy briefings and articles related to climate change, gender equality, advocacy networks.
Our project manager has obtained the Sulistest
Just as importantly, our team of highly qualified linguists has curated a complete glossary of terms, which we are always happy to double-check with our clients.
One of the very few translation agency specialising in climate, LDCs and gender issues
A trained, dedicated team of qualified linguists
Very competitive pricing for NGOs
Using an advanced translation platform (leveraging our glossaries and allowing for discounts)
Super responsive
Countries covered by French, Spanish and Portuguese
This is a short list of projects we have completed
- Rapid response mechanisms – Supporting resolution of community-investor conflicts related to land-based investments
- Supporting resolution of community-investor conflicts related to Land-Based Investments
- No profit for artisanal miners in the DRC
- The Foreign Gaze (essay on global health by Pr Seye Ambimbola)
- Climate and Development Ministerial Forward Plan
- Transforming Climate and Development Delivery
- Mobilizing Knowledge on Gender Equity and Justice in Climate Change Adaptation
- Briefing: Progressing the Global Goal on Adaptation — key issue
- Mechanism for Decentralising Climate Funds (Mali, Senegal)
- Becoming a UNFCCC delegate: what you need to know
- Climate and Development Ministerial Forward Plan
- Transforming Climate and Development Delivery
- Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning for National Adaptation Plans (MEL for NAPs)
- Land, Investment, and Migration : Thirty-five Years of Village Life in Mali (Camilla Toulmin)
- Supporting resolution of community-investor conflicts related to Land-Based Investments
- The Devolved Climate Finance mechanism: principles, implementation and lessons from four semi-arid countries
- Resolving land-related conflicts through dialogue: Lessons from the outskirts of a protected area in Cameroon
- Meeting expectations on transparency and more: how strengthening capacity for climate reporting is benefitting Mauritania and Malawi